Hearthstone Balance Change: Warsong Commander Gets Nerfed
One of the most powerful combo-enabler cards in the game, Warsong Commander will be nerfed – announced Hearthstone Community Manager Zeriyah.
From giving any minion summoned a ‘Charge’ mechanic while it is in play, it will be changed to simply giving minions that have Charge +1 Attack. The reported change will be implemented sometime next week.

Grim Patron and Frothing Berserker – the cards that rely mostly on Warsong Commander to be extremely effective.
Warsong Commander is instrumental on making the arguably best deck archetype currently in the game work. The card gives the ability to instantly clear the opponent’s board full of 2 or less attack minions if it successfully combos with Grim Patron. The archetype also uses another powerful card which is the Frothing Berserker that has the ability to deal huge burst of damage from hand.
As to why the nerf will be implemented, Blizzard noted:
Going forward, we will continue to stand by our stance that we will only make adjustments to cards when we feel it is completely necessary and allow the injection of new cards into the game help our players define what the meta evolves into. In the case of Warsong Commander, we felt this change was necessary to help expand both future design space and to stand by our overarching game philosophy that battles between minions and fighting for board control is what makes Hearthstone fun and compelling.
Read more about the change in this link.
Banner Source: Hearthstone Vietnam
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