
Illaoi, the Kraken Princess Revealed — More Tentacles!

06:11 PM November 11, 2015

League of Legends has announced the newest champ to join their roster: Illaoi, (pronounced as ill-OW-ee) the Kraken Priestess. Designed as an AD solo top juggernaut, Illaoi offers unique and powerful zoning control while being playing around a team-centric method of picking off priority targets.

An extremely powerful top laner, Illaoi nevertheless suffers from the same weakness all juggernauts have: less than average movement mechanics and interactions. The tentacles she summons are rooted – meaning that Illaoi will have to hunker down and force engages in one spot to be effective, but at the same time, if left unchecked, turn that zone into a watery grave for her opponents.

In particular, her stationary method of gameplay makes contesting objectives such as Baron and Dragon a nightmare and a maze of tentacles to navigate if her opponents ever want to contest. Having a teammate that already has a strong area denial or control of the battlefield such as Orianna would assure that the enemy will have a difficult time even zoning during skirmishes – and especially at those extended, game-deciding teamfights.

You may check Illaoi’s reveal page here, or look at some of the videos posted below:


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