Korea’s DW Superstar ft. Twitch Wins Mastercup 8!
In the span of over 15 hours, 187 teams out of 935 players from around the world gathered and placed everything on the line to compete in the biggest Tekken 7 tournament of the year, Mastercup 8. Countries the compete include Argentina, Australia and Korea.
There were plenty of interesting teams that joined the tournament like Tanukana Produce, an all female team anchored by Tanukana. Tanukana competed in the 20th Anniversary Tekken 7 exhibition tournament back in 2014. Another team is Team Straya tonight drink! Win or lose, an international team featuring Avoiding The Puddle news reporter Flying Wonkey from Australia and Joaking from Argentina.
There were also a small number of teams made up of Virtua Fighter players that joined the joined Mastercup and did surprisingly well despite the difference between VF and Tekken. Unfortunately, none of them made it into the top 8, but they did an amazing job in the tournament.
Among the top 8 in the tournament were a few community favorites namely:
Mushin Tekken: Nobi (EVO 2015 T7 Champion), Yuu (Tougeki 2006 T5:DR Team champion), Take (EVO 2015 T7 Top 8), Baatsu, BKC
DW Superstar ft Twitch: Sayondori, helpme (Mastercup 7 Team Champion), Malgu, lowhigh, Ranchu
Resurrection: Knee (EVO 2013 TTT2 Champion), chanel, crazydongpal, choksae, liliman
Unfortunately, one of the community favorites filled with a number of strong performing players from Korea was unable to reach the Top 8, namely team:
najin e-mpire ft Twitch: JDCR (EVO 2014 TTT2 Champion), Saint (TTT2 Global Championship 2013 champion), jundding (Mastercup 7 Team Champion), TRIPLE H, peinshiyon
Just a quick recap of the proceedings from Top 8, Mushin Tekken and DW Superstar ft Twitch managed to move on to the second round, but Korean team favorite najin e-mpire ft Twitch was eliminated in an upset against team:
Boku Hakaiou: KasumiYosu, Nissin, Makoryu, Karei, Hakaiou
On the second round, DW Superstar ft Twitch was able to achieve victory, while Boku Hakaiou and MushinTekken battled it out in a Tokyo vs Osaka match to decide who gets to represent Japan in the finals against DW Superstar ft Twitch from Korea. Boku Hakaiou defeated MushinTekken, 5-4 after Nissin’s amazing performance against Take, and moved on to the last round.
In the grand final of the tournament, Ranchu of DW Superstar ft Twitch dominated with his mastery of Kazumi Mishima when he took down Boku Hakaiou’s Kasumiyosu, Hakaiou, and Nissin before finally being defeated by Makoryu. Soyondori took over for Ranchu and finished the series in an overwhelming 5-2, securing their title as champions of Mastercup 8.
For those who want to revisit the action, you can head over to the official Tekken twitch channel where the entire stream is archived until youtube uploads are up.
A big congratulations to DW Superstar ft Twitch, as well as those who made it all the way to the Top 8 out of 187 teams that joined Mastercup 8.
Awesome job from Masakarijin for bringing the event, and a shout out to Markman and Sp00ky for providing the stream and awesome commentary.

Mastercup 8 at Tokyo Leisure land Palette Town
Stay tuned for updates on the next upcoming event, The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2015 which will be on December 12, 2015 where our very own Alexandre “AK” Laverez will be representing the Philippines against the top Tekken players of the world.
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