
Hearthstone Fall Reveal Introduces Duels, New Expansion, and System Revamp

11:35 AM October 23, 2020

Hearthstone’s much-awaited Fall Reveal took place late last night and gave the community details about the next card expansion, the new Duels game mode, and the revamped achievement and progression system.

New Expansion – Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

World of Warcraft‘s Old Gods are making their way back into Hearthstone to torment workers and festival-goers alike. C’thun, Yogg-Saron, N’Zoth, and Y’Shaarj are set to be printed as Legendary minions (whose powerful battlecries can either make or break a match) catered towards the playstyle of different deck archetypes.



The new expansion also introduces a new keyword in the form of Corrupt. Corrupt cards in your hand transform into stronger versions of themselves when you play a card that costs higher. The upgrade comes with extra eyes and tentacles added in for good measure.

New Game Mode – Duels

Hearthstone Duels is a dungeon run-esque PVP game mode that rewards intelligent and unpredictable deck-building similar to Arena, but adds another dimension of play by incorporating concepts from the Book of Heroes solo adventures.

Players start their run with a small deck comprised mostly of cards from their collection and face off against other players in a Scholomance Academy professor duel. As their run goes on, players pick up new cards and additional health to aid them in their battles.

Players who prepurchase a Madness at the Darkmoon Faire bundle will receive early access to the new Duels play mode from October 23 to November 12. All Hearthstone players will be able to try out the new game mode beginning November 13.

System Revamp – All-new Progression System

The system revamp is scheduled right before Duels goes live and aims to provide adequate rewards for players whose playtimes range from 10 hours a week to 10 hours a day. The new Achievements system will track players’ statistics and in-game accomplishments, while the Reward track allows players to earn gold, card packs, cosmetics, and bonus rewards.

The revamped Quest system will also introduce Weekly Quests that may take a tad more time to complete but will reward you for your efforts liberally. Lastly, Players will be able to view and display all their Hearthstone progress on the profile page which tracks lifetime stats across a player’s account, including ranks, ratings, and wins.

The Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Mega Bundle is available starting today for $79.99 USD and comes with 85 card packs from the expansion—5 of which are Golden Card Packs (containing all Golden cards)—plus one random Golden Legendary card; the N’Zoth Warlock Hero; the N’Zoth card back; perks for Hearthstone Battlegrounds that last until the next expansion; and early access to the upcoming Hearthstone Duels game mode from (see dates above). Also available is the Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Bundle for $39.99 USD, which includes 45 packs from the expansion, one random Legendary Card, the N’Zoth card back, and early access to Hearthstone Duels (see dates above).


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TAGS: Fall Reveal, Hearthstone, Madness at the Darkmoon Faire
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