Video game characters & monsters you want to avoid this Fire Prevention Month
If you don’t know, we celebrate Fire Prevention Month every March as designated by the Bureau of Fire Protection. With a reported 13% rise in fire incidents for the first 2 months of the year in the country, it’s no wonder why we are reminded of this every year.
With your safety in mind, we have compiled a list of video game characters and monsters that you surely don’t want anywhere near your house.
Note: In order to keep the list as short as possible, we have decided to choose only one character per video game franchise (sorry Pokémon fans).
Charizard (Pokémon Franchise)
If there’s a Pokémon as famous as Pikachu it’s Charizard. This Fire/Flying-type Pokémon’s popularity cannot be argued as he has been featured in all forms of media, product collaborations, and more. Heck, it’s so beloved it has a lot of forms to boot. So why is it something you want to avoid? Simple really. It’s a walking fire hazard. According to one of its many Pokédex entries, it is capable of spitting fire that is hot enough to melt boulders (and your walls). Its tail is also constantly burning so that’s an ever-present fire hazard. Also, Charizard can Gigantamax and I think that’s a giant problem.
Ghasts (Minecraft)
You finally built a portal to the Nether and you’re giddy at the possibility of gathering precious loot. But then you hear a shriek #PanicEnsues.

Felix “PewDiePie” Kjellberg’s thumbnail accurately depicts what players look like if they hear those nasty Ghast shrieks. | Via PewDiePie’s Youtube Channel
Ghasts are notoriously one of the most dangerous mobs in the Nether. Sure, we could’ve opted with fellow Nether mob Blazes but Ghasts are more terrifying. So terrifying in fact that the fireballs they expel count technically as entities and can deal some serious damage. Did we mention they also fly and are capable of sneaking up on a player unsuspectedly? Yep, that’s right. The only way to kill this mob is by shooting them with arrows or deflecting their fireballs back right at them.
So the next time you build a house in the hellish landscape of the Nether make sure the area’s cleared of Ghasts. You don’t want them destroying your precious dirt house or any of your more grandiose creations whatsoever.
Brand (League of Legends)

Brand can easily pentakill with his ultimate and is more than capable of burning your entire town. | Via League of Legends
If we had to choose between Annie and Brand from League of Legends, we ultimately dread the latter due to his backstory. Just a former tribesman from Freljord, Kegan Rodhe turned into Brand due to his lust for power. With his soul burned away, his body turned into a vessel of living flame. Brand roamed Valoran in search of other World Runes while hell-bent on revenge.
As for his abilities, his passive can light you ablaze, Sear can stun enemies, Pillar of Flame is an AOE, Conflagration spreads towards enemies, and Pyroclasm bounces from enemy to enemy.
As such, please do notify Ryze immediately once you see Brand if you want to make sure you’ll be living another day.
The Pyro (Team Fortress 2)

Despite his fiery nature, The Pyro can only see sugar, spice, and everything nice. | Via Team Fortress
Either choose the Pyro or run away from him. This pyromaniac hails from the good old FPS game called Team Fortress 2. The Pyro specializes in fighting enemies at close ranges. He uses a homemade Flame Thrower and other flame-related weaponry, all of which can set you on fire. Even the Spy flees at the sight of this coldhearted killer.
Despite his destructive and deadly capabilities, he’s a sick guy (like insane and delusional). In his point of view, he’s simply playing with everyone in his world full of rainbows. If you don’t know what this is about, just check the infamous Meet the Pyro video and see for yourself.
Whatever you do, do not approach The Pyro. He can’t even speak properly (if he can ever speak at all) so talking to him will get you nowhere. He is as dangerous as the weapons he uses to light everything on fire.
Wizard (Clash of Clans)

Don’t upset the Party Wizard or your entire village will be gone in just a few seconds. | Via Clash of Clans
If you’ve played Clash of Clans back in the day then you’d know the destructive capabilities of the Wizard. Don’t let the mustache fool you, these units are more than capable of wiping out your entire village 100%.
The Wizard is a ranged troop that is unlockable when you have a level 7 Barracks. They shoot fireballs, or energy blasts depending on their level, which does high damage. They are however relatively fragile so a few bombs or proper cannon placements can decimate a group of Wizards. They don’t have a preferred target when attacking and will simply attack the closest building they can see (like your house for example).
With that said, they’re pretty good support if you have them and an atrocious enemy to face. As such, always keep the Wizard happy or they might just “accidentally” burn your entire village.
As the days get hotter, we hope this article reminded you of the possible fire hazards in your area. So, before March ends, may you have a safe Fire Prevention Month.
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