[METABREAKERS] Did They Really Just Play Ashe as Support?
As Season 5 rolls in for League of Legends players around the world, Arthur looks at some of the most innovative, funky and downright exciting new ways to play old champions. Is there really more than one way to skin a cat? The pros seem to think so! Welcome to Meta Breakers! The article series where we break down new ways to play your favorite champions, as played by some of the most talented professional players from around the world!
Let’s break the meta! As the League continually evolves, its players must also adapt and experiment with new champion builds, team compositions and different strategies. What better way to break the meta than to play a role with a non-mainstream pick?
Ashe, one of the oldest champion in the League’s roster, is commonly used as an Attack Damage (AD) carry. However, the Frost Archer’s champion overview clearly states that Ashe can play the role of a support hero for her team.
Before you decide to lock in a Support Ashe, we might as well break down her skills and try to analyze how we can utilize it to better suit the role of the babysitter.
This is Ashe’s passive skill. Basically, she stacks up criticals as long as she isn’t attacking. As a support, this is a great option to harass your enemies in lane. Just wait until you’ve fully focused then give ‘em a critical arrow to the face.
Her Q is amazing for slowing enemies without having to worry about cooldowns. Once toggled, all her auto-attacks will slow any target. This is great for baiting opponents and especially for setting up an ambush with your jungler.
This W is very effective for zoning out the opposing bottom duo and denying them minion gold and experience. Not only does it damage and slow enemies in a cone, but it also scales with the current level of your Q (Frost Shot).
Nothing screams support hero like a built-in Clairvoyance. This E skillshot works as your free ward, functions just like a Scrying Orb. Great for scouting areas around the map and checking bushes, this skill grants great vision for you to use offensively or defensively.
This is Ashe’s global skillshot ultimate. This is the perfect crowd control skill to either initiate or disengage in team fights. A well-timed arrow can spell dozens of free hits for your AD carry as well as for your whole team.
When put to good use, a support Ashe will always catch the enemy team off-guard due to her potential to disrupt them with a global crowd control and a heavy poke potential during the laning phase, as was the case during the first week of the LCL 2015 when Team FEU’s Symmond locked in a support Ashe to lane with GT Kiddo’s Ezreal. They were up against Team STI’s xKurtz on Jynx and TI.Xavier.Primo on Morgana.
Symmond’s Enchanted Crystal Arrows were always on point to help any team member anywhere on the map; they dominated the laning phase as well as the late game phase. Symmond built ability power with his Ashe to give more damage with his ultimate. He also went for the Ionian Boots of Lucidity to help with cooldown reduction. They ended up winning the match with a score of 34-8 and Symmond with a 1/2/18 standing.
Building a Support Ashe
To go into the details of Symmond’s support Ashe, these are the runes he used:

Five marks of magic penetration and four of armor penetration, nine health seals, nine magic resist glyphs, one ability power quintessence and two of armor
Here are the masteries:
Starting Items: 

First Rush: 

Core items: 


Your starting items should always be Spellthief’s Edge, Stealth Ward, two Biscuits and a Warding Totem (Trinket). On your first recall to base, you should always rush a Sightstone and if you have the gold for it, upgrade your Spellthief’s Edge to a Frostfang. Boots of Mobility is still the must have boots for any support champion. Getting a Seeker’s Armguard early in the game can also help you boost your AP as well as give you some additional armor. From there, you should upgrade your Frostfang to a Frost Queen’s Claim then you can turn the Seeker’s Armguard into a Zhonya’s Hourglass. After that, you should go for some utility items to help out in team fights. You should consider getting a Mikael’s Crucible which will also help with cooldown and mana regeneration or even opting for a Frozen Heart for more slows and some much needed armor.
For the skill build, taking a point in Frost Arrows first, followed by Volley and Hawkshot by level 3. Maxing Volley first, followed by Frost Arrows while taking points in your ultimate when you can gives you the most ability to control team fights and zone people in lane while still giving you space to fulfill the role of back-up carry should the game go sideways.
One thing to note about support Ashe is her potential weak points when playing the role. First of all, she has no sustain whatsoever to help herself or her AD carry. This lack of healing capabilities can spell disaster if she and her bottom duo are successfully harassed or ganked early by the opposing team. Another thing is Ashe’s relatively slow movement speed which can be remedied by getting Boots of Mobility on your first recall to base. Lastly, and obviously, Ashe is very squishy, unlike Thresh, or Leona, Ashe can not take a lot of damage during team fights.
Generally, as a support player, you should be able to quickly adapt your item build to counter the enemy team or buy items that will aid your team instead. If your team already has a lot of Ability Power (AP) champions, you should probably build an AD Support Ashe. Stack up on armor and health items if your opponents dish out too much damage.
Pro players would not have gambled with Ashe if she did not have the potential to excel as a support champion, because why would they? She strides into the rift with a lot of damage and skills that will surely zone-out and put any opposing duo at a disadvantage. And of course, that global arrow is sure a delight to watch as it glides across the map straight into the enemy team.
Go break the meta with a support Ashe in your team! The next time someone hovers an Ashe with Exhaust in champion select, don’t go rushing and bashing calling it a troll pick. Instead, consider her awesome kit made for slowing down enemies a potential icy ace for your team.
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