League Of Awesome
Let’s face it: sometimes playing LoL isn’t that much fun. Not all games will be awesome a hundred percent of the time. However, that’s the beauty of games. It’s that moment where you feel like a total badass dominating the map, your opponents or pretty much being Charlie Sheen. Sometimes, with an actual Sheen in your inventory.
And League of Legends does live up to its name in that. There are times when you will feel like a true legend in game. Ranked from “aw yeah” to the mythical “I AM A GOD” levels, here are a few moments that are worth getting the camera for.
A Successful Engage

Anyone who has played Malphite, Lee Sin, or Fiddlesticks will know this feeling: the tense moments between pressing your buttons and ending up in the middle of the enemy team. But when it does happen, watch in satisfaction as everything goes according to your hastily-made up plan as the enemy team collapses around you.
Fending Off A Gank (Not even close, baby!)

Actual representation of what happens when you try to gank Trundle.
In Game of Thrones, you have Syrio Forel, the Braavosi badass. On YouTube, you have Dunkey. In League of Legends, you will be ganked, especially if you somehow managed to lock in Ryze top. But there’s nothing quite like the feeling of seeing two or more people try to kill you and outmaneuvering them while your allies countergank and you walk away from the ensuing explosion.
Hitting Your Ultimate

…let’s try that again.
There’s a reason why they’re called ultimates. Raining down tons of… whatever Xerath’s ultimate is made of is an immensely satisfying feeling that few things can match. Considering that ultimates are more often than not precursor to the big plays, landing one can make an entire teamfight—or even an entire match. Here are some special ultimates that deserve mention.


Shen: Guinsooooooh~

Press R to win at everything.


Objective Steals (All Your Buffs Are Belong To Us)

Baron and Dragon have always been contested objectives. Since the jungle update, both of them now give powerful buffs to the team that manages to kill them. But why does that mean that your team has to do all the work when you can just swoop in with a well timed smite and completely piss off the enemy while earning the never-ending respect of your team? (Latter part may not happen in solo queue) Even an early game red or blue buff steal can turn the tides in your favor for the rest of the game. Find your inner DanDy/Cyanide and keep smiting.
- Backdooring/Splitpushing (XPEKE! XPEKEEEE!)
Enrique “xPeke” Cedeño Martínez is the current midlaner for Origen (or Old Fnatic as my editor likes to call them) but back in Season 2, his name became synonymous with backdooring for an extremely close game that he capped off with the most nail-biting backdoor in League of Legends history. The awesome thing about this is that you can do this too—though admittedly, the skill level needed to pull this off would be incredibly high. Still, it’s a moment of glory you’ll never forget, as your singular drive at the dominating enemy’s nexus wins what seemed like a hopeless game.
Your Very First Quadra Kill
Call me silly, but there’s just something so awesome about getting popping your quadra kill cherry. To others it may seem like a wasted opportunity since one more could’ve granted you a penta, but to me, a quadra means a rite of passage. It means that you’re almost at the level where you can take out the entire team. It means that just a little more, and you can be the team-killing god you always envisioned yourself to be. It means FRACKING SUPPORT STOLE MY KILL DAMN IT!!
The Fabled Penta
The stuff that League dreams are made of, pentakills are clear-cut. Everyone on the opposing team is down for the count, giving you (and your team because let’s face it very few pentas are earned just by yourself) free rein to wreak havoc. You also have the added benefit of having the enemy helplessly watch as you do whatever you want. That and you can finally play that clip of Korean language casters screaming “PENTAKIRRUUUU! PENTAKIRRUUUU!” at the top of their lungs that you saved for this special day.
Winning A Mirror Matchup
You’re playing a game when suddenly your lane opponent locks in the same champion. What follows is a game of psychological warfare as each of you try to prove who is the most skilled at the champion you’re playing. And the bragging rights you get when you win is sweeter than a stolen blue buff.
Killing Teemo (Or Restoring Balance To The Force)
because we can.
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