The most creative and unique teams from the latest Pokémon Philippines trend
The massive online community of Pokémon Philippines has been bitten by a trendy bug-type Pokémon. What type of trend bug do you ask? It’s sharing your unique take on themed Pokémon teams as if you are a Pokémon gym leader, with the only caveat being Pokémon type themes are excluded.
In no particular order, here are some of the best Pokémon teams formed by the folks at Pokémon Philippines:
The Trendsetter’s Team
- Venusaur
- Poliwrath
- Toxicroak
- Seismitoad
- Greninja
- Bellibolt
The trend happened thanks to Kevin Cascon’s original post where he shared his curious prompt thereby kickstarting a trend. As you can see, his original theme had his team composed entirely of frogs, including the much-debated frog of all: Venusaur.
Laborers For Labor Day
- Tinkaton
- Scyther
- Conkeldurr
- Paldean Tauros (Aqua Breed)
- Wishiwashi
- Annihilape
Kevin Cascon actually made multiple themed Pokémon teams and this is the best one (in my opinion).
With the theme revolving around labor industries, Cascon posted this theme during the celebration of Labor Day. In his post, he revealed that the team originally featured a male Combee but ultimately swapped it out in favor of Wishiwashi to give more emphasis on the fishing sector as well as unity and strength in numbers.
Demigods From Olympus Theme

What if the demigods of Olympus were Pokémon? | Photos for collage taken from Borj Angulo-Villena’s original post; Demigod artworks courtesy of Viria
- Empoleon
- Metagross
- Zebstrika
- Milotic
- Sableye
- Hisuian Decidueye
- Coalossal
Pokémon Philippines moderator Borj Angulo-Villena also hopped into the bandwagon. His lineup of Pokémon is based on the demigods of the Prophecy of Seven from Rick Riordan’s The Heroes of Olympus novel series.
For his team, he equates Empoleon to Percy Jackson, Metagross to Annabeth Chase, Zebstrika to Jason Grace, Milotic to Piper McLean, Sableye to Hazel Levesque, Hisuian Decidueye to Frank Zhang, and Coalossal to Leo Valdez. He also advised people who dared to ask why he’s got more than six Pokémon in his team to read the Trials of Apollo novel series.
Baguio Pokémon
- Male Pyroar
- Swanna
- Snover
- Alcremie
- Galarian Ponyta
- Sunflora
Yet another creative take, Del Rosario Aldrin’s team is inspired by Baguio. He basically took what Baguio is known for (specifically Kennon Road’s Lion’s Head, Burnham Lake’s swan boats, Benguet’s pine trees, Vizco’s Strawberry Cake, Wright Park’s horses, and Panagbenga’s sunflower logo) and found their respective Pokémon counterparts. What a cool way to do it (pun intended).
ThunderCats x Pokémon
- Female Meowstic
- Incineroar
- Galarian Meowth
- Solgaleo
- Liepard
- Zeraora
- Male Meowstic
For Migs Pabello, he formed a 90s nostalgia team that involved their childhood favorites. Beware of this team though! Recognizing the ThunderCats references reveals how old you are (hence why I truly can’t relate).
Game of Thrones x Pokémon
- Salamence
- Dusk Form Lycanroc
- Spring Form Sawsbuck
- Malamar
- Solgaleo
- Braviary
Finally, Sebastián Jerez brought another franchise crossover, this time with Game of Thrones. His team references the Houses of the Targaryens, the Starks, the Baratheons, the Greyjoys, the Lannisters, and the Arryns, all while being a decent viable competitive team for actual Pokémon tournaments.
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