
How to rule the world: Jose Rizal Civ 7 guide

/ 03:59 PM March 03, 2025

Filipino pride swelled when gamers around the world found that beloved national hero Jose Rizal would be represented in the popular 4X strategy game Civilization’s newest installment. With an affinity for celebrations and befriending other powers, the internet has dubbed José Rizal the ‘J Rizzler’ because he can win the game using his pure rizz and party-going prowess.

Here’s how to dominate a game of Civilization 7 as José Rizal.

Partying to victory in Civ 7 with José

José Rizal comes to Civilization 7 as one of the more versatile leaders right out of the box. While you can choose either a cultural or a militaristic victory, this Filipino leader has two major abilities you should always consider when growing your Civilization.


Leader Bonus: Pambansang Bayani


When gaining rewards from a Narrative Event, gain additional Culture and Gold per Age. Increased Celebration duration and Happiness towards Celebrations. Has additional Narrative Events.

Leader Agenda: Kapwa

Increase Relationship by a medium amount for the player with the most active Endeavors started. Decrease Relationship by a medium amount for the player with the most active Sanctions started. If there is a tie between the players with the most active Endeavors or Sanctions, then increase or decrease Relationship by a small amount accordingly.

Being a famous writer, it’s a nice added feature for Rizal to have more Narrative Events compared to other leaders in Civilization. Players should pay close attention to their events and adjust their next moves accordingly. Every extra narrative story gets you an abundance of bonus Gold and Culture! 

Make sure you also take advantage of his extended celebrations, with ample Happiness for your population its much easier for Cultural gains as well as maybe even get a Golden Age moving forward. Keep your people happy by making sure they have all you can eat Adobo and they will definitely keep the party going for José Rizal and make you that much closer to victory! 

READ: Jose Rizal is a playable character in the upcoming ‘Civilization VII’

The pen is mightier than the sword

Thumbnail from 2K Games

Despite all the versatility that playing as Rizal can offer, a Militaristic Victory is not the easiest to attain for him. You can, however, circumnavigate that disadvantage by pairing him with Civilizations with an affinity for warfare and conquering, like Persia, Rome, or even the French Empire later on in the game. This makes Rizal one of the better leaders in the game because you can choose to combine Culture, Military, and Science in your own unique playstyle.

If you want to double down on his strengths, players can opt for Southeast Asian Civilizations Khemr and Siam for exponential Culture and Capital City gains. Fly that SEA pride in a video game the best way possible! Hawai’i and Chola are also worthy options for J Rizzler. 

In the end, it’s still up to you, and that’s the fun in every Civilization game as you hunker down and keep playing that one more turn. Rizal can lead any Civilization, so if you wanna lead the Spanish for some reversal of fortune roleplay, then by all means. But one thing’s for sure: Rizal could be the best leader the Civilization games has for you.

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TAGS: Civ 7, Civilization 7, Jose Rizal
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